Easter Math, Science, and a FREEBIE to Share!

Easter is so much fun!  Right now my class is finishing up a unit on money.  I created several Easer Baskets for them to use to practice counting coins.  They fill each egg with the correct amount of money then close it up.  I can look at them right away or save them to check later if I am too busy at the moment.  I also have three "Bankers" in my room who help me check.  They have really mastered counting money and have shown that they are responsible helpers and good teachers.  I use the different colored eggs to differentiate the centers.  For example, the pink ones are the most basic (10 cents) and the green ones are the most difficult (more advanced numbers and how many coins you must use).  This is a really easy center to put together and the kids have had a lot of fun with it. 

I found a cute science experiment on pinterest that I want to try on our Fizzle Pop Friday.  You put a different color jelly bean into Sprite and see what happens.  Do all jelly bean colors have the same reaction?  The link from the pinterest board does not work, so this will be a real experiment!  We will see what happens. 

I have posted a FREE Easter Egg Watch, Think, Color game.  In this game, kids use their favorite color crayon so you end up with lots of colors of eggs.  Do you have any fun Easter ideas to share?


  1. Hooray! I'm your first follower! :) So, what happened with the jelly bean experiment?

    The Reinspired Teacher

  2. WooHoo, Lori! First follower!!! I haven't done the experiment yet. I am going to do it on Friday. I just wanted to share the idea in case somebody else wanted to try it too. I will let you know the results. :)


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