Still Alive, Games for the Boys, Surviving Until the End

It has been FOREVER since I have blogged!  I have been so busy with school and family and life.  Time got away from me!  I can't believe it has been so long. 

EXACTLY how I feel!!!

I have been creating a lot of new products for some boys in my class.  I have just put out a Star Wars Bundle  and a few Minecraft inspired Watch, Think, Color games.  Be sure to download this month's free Roll and Color Addition sheet.

I have another four weeks of school.  We have a year-round calendar.  I enjoy the breaks throughout the year.  The end of the year always feels like it flies by!  My kids are starting to get really restless.  It seems we have more behavior issues at the end of the year.  I am sure that part of the problem is that I expect more of them at this point.  One of my summer "tricks" is rewarding good behavior with otter pops at recess.  They are cheap, can be stored in a cabinet, and are not messy.  When it gets hot out, I always have a supply of otter pops in my room!  What are your tricks for dealing with end of the year issues? 

Hopefully I will blog again before another two months go by!  YIKES! 


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