Oh, no! Not the workbooks!!!

My first year teaching, I put all the workbooks in desks before school started.  All year long, my kids had trouble tearing out the pages.  I wasted so much time taping pages back together.  If I told them to tear out page 235-236, we would spend forever FINDING it and then somebody would always end up with the wrong page torn out or torn in half.  It was terrible! 

Now I make the ultimate sacrifice to save class time.  At the beginning of each school year, I tear out and sort all the pages.  This is a HUGE job!  I start by tearing out all the pages in a set of workbooks.  I then sort all of the pages and paperclip them together.  I file the pages away according to the week they will be used.  This literally takes me hours and hours and HOURS, but all year I am happy that it is done.

I have tote bags that have directions for sorting printed on them.  I ask for parent volunteers at my open house and send these bags home with pages to be sorted.  This might be my least favorite part of starting school, but it is totally worth the work that goes into it! 



  1. When we had math workbooks, I did this mainly to save my sanity. After several years of tearing all the pages out, my husband came up with a lifesaver. His office has a huge papercutter that can probably cut a ream at a time. He simply cut off the spine right alone the tear line. Saved me hours plus my hands. Maybe you know a workplace that would have such a paper cutter?

  2. Wow! That sounds great! I have never heard of a papercutter like this. I am very chummy with the folks at my Staples copy center. I am going to ask them about this! Thanks for sharing!


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