On your marks...Get set...GO!

Did you hear about the big TpT back to school sale?  I will be offering 20% off of my WHOLE store PLUS TpT will give you an ADDITIONAL 8% off if you enter the promo code BTS13 at checkout.  That is an incredible savings!  The sale will run this Sunday and Monday (August 18-19).  Pretty exciting stuff, right?!?!  So what can you do to prep for the big sale?

  • Start filling your wishlist now!  That way, you are ready to go first thing Sunday morning.  My wishlist is currently 5 pages long.  Oh, boy!
  • Give feedback for all your past purchases.  You earn credits that you can use to save EVEN more!  I have lots of things that I still need to go back and leave feedback on.  I am planning on working on that tonight. 
  • Stock-up while the prices are low!  There are only a few sales this big each year.  You might as well take advantage of the savings!
  • Tell your friends! 28% off is AMAZING!  Good friends share news like this! 
Happy shopping! 

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