3 Fun Ideas for No Worksheet Wednesday (Week 2)

Today was the easiest "No Worksheet Wednesday" ever!  I am on spring break and I was not even tempted to bust out a worksheet.  Hahaha!  Even though I am on break, I still wanted to participate in the linky.  I am going to share a new idea and a couple oldies but goodies.  Here are three fun worksheet-free ideas:

1) Interactive Hundreds Charts
I have made a bunch of interactive charts that work on your smartboard or projector.  There are a few different themes and skills, but I just made a new one today and am offering it for a limited time as a freebie in my TpT store so I definitely wanted to share it with you today.  This chart has a fun St. Patrick's Day theme.  You click on a pot of gold to make it disappear and reveal a number on the chart.  There are SO many uses for these tools and they are all worksheet free!  You can start clicking from the beginning to practice counting or start clicking at the end to practice counting back.  Click a random pot and challenge students to find the number that is 10 more/10 less and 1 more/1 less than your number.  Find patterns in the numbers and the colors of the numbers.  Can you predict what color a number will be before you reveal it?  To download my St. Patrick's Day Interactive Hundreds Chart Freebie, click here!

2) Read My Mind
This is one of my favorite math games!  Kids work with partners.  One player takes a card and holds it to his forehead (without looking at it).  The other student must give clues for the guesser.  There are lots of different ways to play this game.  I found cards to a game called "Big Fish, Little Fish" at the dollar store.  They have two-digit numbers and I HAD to have them!  We use these cards and regular playing cards.  Sometimes we play "Ten More and Ten Less".  The clues are "Your number is ten more than 47."  Place Value clues include "Your number has 3 tens and 9 ones".  We can use a regular deck of cards to reinforce tens partneres, "Your partner is 6.  What is your number?"  We use math facts.  "Your number is 6 + 3".  I like this game because it gets both partners thinking and communicating.

3)  Dolch Speed Read
I have heard many times that a creative mind means a messy desk.  I choose to believe that this is the cause of my extreme disorganization.  I love using my board because it means less STUFF in my room.  A few years ago, I tossed my flash cards and started making flash cards for my board.  This is SO much better because they are always where they are supposed to be.  Flash cards for the board can also be way more fun and exciting than traditional flash cards.  Plus, the kids can actually see them!  I made "flash cards" focusing on the Dolch words.  There are different themes for each month.  The words get faster and faster, making this loads of fun for my kiddos.  I have also used different fonts and the words appear in a different order each time.  Here is a video of my kiddos using March Dolch Speed Read.  To see my Dolch Speed Read sets on TpT, click here.

 I can guarantee you that I will be using absolutely NO WORKSHEETS next Wednesday either!  (We have that week off as well!)  I look forward to writing about more worksheet-free ideas and using them when I get back to my kiddos.  Thanks for reading and have a great week!


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