Here are January's goals:
Goal 1: 100 Blog Followers (currently at 83)
Why follow this blog? This is a great place to get more info on my products, ideas and resources to use in your classroom, and grab some freebies. How do you follow? Click the "Join this site" button on the right side of this blog.
Goal #2: 1,200 Facebook Likes (currently at 1,037)
My facebook page is the best place to keep up on the latest products and updates. This is also the best place for communication. If you have an idea, question, or suggestion, this is the place to post it.
Goal #3: 15,000 TpT Votes (currently at 14,223)
Are you leaving feedback for your TpT purchases? You earn credits to use toward free products! Only about 1/3 of buyers leave feedback. You can to to "my purchases" then sort items by "needs feedback". This will help you make sure you got them all! I recently figured out that I have earned over $140 worth of FREE TpT products just for leaving feedback! How awesome is that?
Goal #4: 2,900 TpT Followers (currently at 2,757)
Why follow me on TpT? You get a notification whenever I add new products. You can also receive messages once a month telling you about sales, new products, or updates. To follow, click the small green star below my store name. When you are following, it shows "following".
How can you help reach these goals if you are already doing all these things? Tell your friends! Spread the word! I love to celebrate milestones with big sales and giveaways. Okay! Finally time for the best part! THE GIVEAWAY! This raffle will run all month. Winners will be selected the beginning of February. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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