Primary Techie Blog and Watch, Think, Color Demo Video

I started this blog in November, but also started another blog (The Reading Ticket).  I have spent a lot more time and energy on the Reading Ticket blog, but now realize I should never have abandoned this blog.  I am going to continue forward with two blogs.  The Reading Ticket was designed to go with my reading curriculum.  It will now be devoted solely to Harcourt Trophies first grade reading.  This blog will be used for all else Primary Techie. 

I love making fun stuff to use in the classroom.  I incorporate technology whenever possible.  I make a series of games called Watch, Think, Color.  These games have been a big hit on TpT.  They come in a variety of math skills and a ton of fun designs.  Check them out at my TpT store.  Here is a preview of how these games work.

There will be lots of fun stuff happening here, so I hope you follow me!    Have a great week!  - Autumn

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