Handwriting Royalty

It is always so hard for me to motivate my kids to have nice handwriting.  I can give them handwriting practice pages and they look BEAUTIFUL but the rest of their work looks like chicken scratch.  To help with this little problem, I invented Handwriting Royalty.  Each week, I look for someone who uses nice writing on ALL of their work - not just the handwriting sheets!  On Monday, we have a royal announcement and a crowning ceremony.  There is only one king OR queen each week.  Students may be crowned more than once.  This is not something that is designed to be "fair" and give everyone a turn.  Sometimes I crown somebody who I see is really trying - even though they may not actually have the nicest writing. 

The king or queen gets a crown to wear all week.  They can take it home and keep it at the end of the week.  Every morning, they start on light blue (moved their clip up).  There are certificates of recognition for the new king or queen to take home and show their royal parents.  This was SO easy to implement!  I just buy a pack of plain crowns at the beginning of the school year and make lots of copies of the certificates to keep on hand.  Kids love it.  ANYTHING to help with handwriting!  (Plus, it's fun!)

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