Look out Vegas- Here I come!!!

I am leaving tomorrow for the SDE conference in Vegas. I have attended the conference every year since 2006. This summer I will have a booth as a vendor! I am so excited and nervous. My house has been jam-packed with marketing materials and products for months. It will be nice to clear that stuff out and get my house back! My husband just left today for the Marines. He served 13 years active duty then joined the reserves. He only has ONE YEAR left until he can retire. CRAZY! I have been so focused on this conference that I have not done ANYTHING in my classroom. I usually spend lots of time cleaning things out and getting ready for the new year. I will have two weeks between the conference and the start of school. It will be busy, but I can do it! If you follow my blog, you know I am not a good blogger. Next year, I will blog once a week. I have SO many cool ideas to share. I am actually excited about it! Oh, one more thing! This summer I have been having a "Frugal Friday" sale. Each week, I post one product that is discounted 50% for that day only. Follow my facebook to stay updated! https://www.facebook.com/PrimaryTechie Have a super week! - Autumn

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